Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Small Business Capital Funding - The need to plan.

We are still getting unindated by small to medium businesses that are looking for capital or finance to expand their businesses.  A number of businesses need working capital to meet demand.  Others have run out of founders funds and are looking for more equity.  A range of businesses are seeking help once they have got into quite a bit of trouble with creditors, the bank and other stakeholders.

We advise business to get help early from professional advisors.  When looking for funds (either debt or equity) it is important to have the right fundamentals - a good Board, a solid managment team and good handle on the buisiness and an exit strategy for the investor or funder.  Get advice early and communicate with your stakeholders around your requirements.

All too often we see folk getting help too late without a proper funding and capital raising strategy in place.  Often companies rely on only one course of action leading to dissapointment when things get delayed or don't go "to plan".

Ramscove | Capital and Funding Strategies | Business Advisory | Director Services | http://www.ramscove.com.au/

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